How To Get Rid Of Annoyances
Particularly the narcissistic grandiose annoying as hell ones. A simple “F you” or “Go f yourself” same with anyone who talks to them, down for them, supports them, or anything else. Maybe they’ll all eat each other alive in their animalistic “I have to be liked, paid attention to most, be the muse because I’m the freaking sh__, “I’m more inspiring” “No I’m more inspiring” stupidity, or “Be number 1 in whatnot most therefore I have to step on/tear others down in some way” stupidity and leave me alone for once realizing everyone isn’t estupido like them apparently. All those types need to go play their sick little internet games with each other not random people who do not know them from Adam… and stop trying to compete with people who have nothing to do with them whatsoever and honestly rolls their eyes at them for granted reasons, Get their own person-hood stop trying to one up, annoy, harass, creep on, and copy cat people 24/7. It’s been a revolving door issue for a decade and it’s going to stop. Most of them I’ve literally told “Leave me alone” directly at least once. Block and go away means go away nothing more nothing less. Like people need to go get their own lives and stop bothering people who have said numerous times “Piss off” in so many words or less not to mention blocked them. Get some emotional, spiritual, mental, and whatever else help seriously. The only reason you should even be talking to people online or looking at their things is to network with people in your lane, show them love, or up lift them if they deserve it, not harass the sh__ out of them or make some stupid problem with them (in my case via way through a bat sh__ predator from way back which I can prove.) Otherwise wasting everyone’s time including those doing. Honestly it’s stupid and wasting time. ::Shrugs::