I relayed on my social media that apparently the Hula is a “Minor Safety” violation. I’m no minor. I’m a grown Millennial young Woman, people of the ethnities people such as myself stem from have the appearance of minors well past youth ages generally. Brown doesn’t fall down and Black don’t crack. If we live well and don’t pollute our bodies it is true.
I’ve been professionally dancing since I was a kid. Needless to say I rebuttled it on Tiktok if they don’t correct it I’ll just film another one and post it. It’s been a pattern of when I post something professional related IE dancing a being does that. That is why we don’t like Eurocentric society and restricting them from our islands essentially, let alone predatory anything that lurks around making up false accounts harassing people. My whole thing is beings who harass and the like people if they’re so happy and successful why are they always in everyone’s faces harassing people? Why are they always lurking and enacting creep crap if they’re so successful or anything else it’s called posing and full of crap. Professionals don’t look or act nothing like these beings I’ve had problems from, none. Again if those with something in their craw have something to say there is an email tab I’ve said it umpteen million times. No professional anything operates like that. Looking and acting like the hills have eyes that need a straight jacket put bluntly.