Humanitarianism Experience Personified

Voicing Freedom
2 min readJan 21, 2021


Fellow Human Rights workers particularly fellow survivors of those in survivor leadership roles have had many discussion about this. Our encounters are really about like this sometimes. Some of our experiences it’s like dealing with this. It’s not the youths that need services typically that are a major problem or issue it’s often either perpetrators or just characters that we have come at us or we cross paths with in some way. It’s a trip sometimes. lol

It’s a shame all round as to the type of individual he apparently was in actuality because stand up wise he was hilarious in a crass semi irreverent humorous way. I really sometimes think survivor leaders have some of the most abnormal off the wall encounters but that comes with the territory. We encounter probably some of the most weirdo, abnormal, if not total nonsense sometimes. Perps I can’t deal with one on one, there are survivor leaders in positions of law and psychology particularly that do so by choice and do so very well considering. Personally I can’t I’d probably strangle the life out of them to be honest. I’ve actually told clerks that before when requested for a sexual violence based cases because it’s true I can’t deal with them in any way. Otherwise having dealt with them it’s like dealing with the hypothetical brain damaged children spoken of..and yes even the most heinous perpetrators do often say at some point during interrogations “I don’t know” or might as well. It’s like WTH you mean you don’t know? You did it!

I’ve seen multiple footage in my duration in human rights and it’s almost comical sometimes honestly listening to these grown predators crying rambling like they’re come child getting ready to get a beating by the PD, FBI, etc seriously like “You SEX TRAFFICKED AT LEAST 1 MINOR just stop whining nobody feels sorry for you right now!” Criminality in general is funny sometimes because they’re so heinous in one way but on the other hand they’re so childish, such whiners.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince