“I Am Someone’s Daughter.”
Whether you like, agree with someone’s political, religious affiliation, or even gender that’s your problem. With that problem it in no way gives anyone the right to attack someone based on those reasons or interpersonally attack them. Always stop to think “If this were my daughter, sister, Mother, cousin, niece, whatever would I want someone to talk to them that way or treat them that way especially based off of who they are?” The answer for anyone with any common moral code is no, no you wouldn’t or shouldn’t. Same for sexual harassment, assault, stalking, or any violating act upon someone. 🤷🏽♀️ Women and Girls of color have been the most disrespected people and it’s about time for that to shift and cease.
“The most disrespected person in America is the Black Woman.” Malcolm X
Same with Brown and Golden Girls as well as Women too. To quote a Cree elder during a press conference about youths that go missing and often brutally killed at alarming rates from our communities,
“You know what White people? You have had your say for over 500 years. Where is everyone to speak up for us?” 🎤 🤜🏽
Here is the full context and statement