I Don’t
This is the clip I spoke of about my experience on social media and tech in a nutshell to give an illustration dealing with morons on it wasting everything on their estupidez.
Courtesy of- mujina55
Especially the part about the Mom interjecting when her son began to answer “I don’t-” “Shut up…. answer me!” At about 5:40 mark. Jesus cristo bunch of nuts. The whole thing it’s like yes really. You have to talk to these beings like that because they’re just estupido. That and the name part, dear God foolish idiotas.
Courtesy of- Jrr1241
The auctioneer part of having to repeat yourself like “Stopitstopitstopit” it is like that. Same with censoring self on social media dealing with these types.
Courtesy of- Nku Ahmad Channel