I Don’t Consider
I don’t consider anyone a Man or Woman that knows a being is a pedophile, a sexual abuser, rapist, exploiter, or anything else along those lines and does nothing about it. I don’t respect any pseudo law that has all of this evidence on them and does nothing. It conveys the warped morality of our world. When beings are more concerned with sticking together based on their color or anything else how long they’ve known them regardless of how perverse and predatory a being nobody is doing anything about it. That is for anyone of any background or gender, you see it, you see them thumbing their nose, totally condescending arrogant, you hear it, you know it yet you do nothing you are just as guilty as the perpetrator. It makes those who do nothing just as reviling. I’ve never known the amount of cowardice bichano males and beings that existed out there until I’ve had a sexual predator from hell not only on my heels for years & their imp and they are yet to be in prison or anyone to really handle them. They’ve been seen preying on children, suspected of harboring child porn and sending it for sexual harassment purposes, Women of color, reported for it, harasses and stalking people of color and instead of anyone doing anything about it they just sit there like bumps on logs like what are you good for in life?! In fact it seems they’re afraid of them and much like that Dan Pena story relayed practically huddled together putting metaphoric furniture against the hypothetical door. Do I feel as strongly about punching a Nazi in the face as a sexual predator? Yes yes I do. They need to be physically handled bet they wouldn’t do it again truth be told.
It’s like why do you even exist if you’re not outraged by beings like that who could easily perpetrate on a Girl or Woman of color in the their lives in some way?! I agree with Dan Pena “What the f happened to you (Men?!”)