Anyone Can’t
Anyone can’t blame the likes of Eminem for staying to himself more or less over the years. If I were him or anyone like him which are few/far between if not nonexistent I wouldn’t talk to none of them. Bunch of demon possessed creep beings. He’s not been known to mingle with the jokers of that world. He is an actual artist the majority are clout chasers and hangers on that’s why they deal with and support other clout chasers because they’re really not talented or anything else to be blunt. People used to view him as anti social but it’s not he is probably aware those beings are nothing but problems. Used to people in it weren’t clout chasers these days that’s all they do, are, and hack themselves mercilessly. They’ll be here today gone tomorrow. Next to none of them will be around in 5 years or less their sense of irreplaceability will eventually be burst. The majority are hacks that’s all they are. 🤷🏽♀️ I’ve had my fill of a group of them as far as issues that arose from social media and from that alone would never support them nor would I advise anyone else to support them either. I steer clear of them. When I can’t quite actually post Snoopy without a problem or some female in my face practically about it, at least 1 male giving me a hard time, having to censor myself, not use common words, or common sentences because someone is going to dissect it making an issue of it there is a problem. After several issues came about after awhile I began asking questions to people in the field of basically “What is their deal and problem?” The unanimous response was one (aside from the other vocally said predicament) - Oh God them? Yeah they’re jack a$$’es. They like to hassle people. To my semi surprise it was not as much to anyone I spoke with as to the fact I was and am being hassled pertaining to a small group of them on a daily basis. Apparently this is a common trait a group of them do in that world arbitrarily because they’re not professionals nor artists to begin with. Professionals don’t act like that.
It’s no wonder a slew of actual artists, singers, etc that eventually were pushed out can’t stand them, they’re not likable people nor talented anyway to be blunt. Even the public doesn’t really like them all that much. They buy their clout which is why they have to have other means of income and most are probably in debt up to their neck otherwise. Again this is why I remain in theater and indie, I couldn’t be around none of them. They’d say something to me or give me a hard time once and I’d be in their grill so fast chewing them out as they obviously need to be disrespecting people like that. They’d think they were lit or a hood rat when I got done with them, they’d have none of that arrogance. Those types are idiotas by choice basically. Moral of the story be aware who you come in contact with in any form or attempt to get assistance from because some are so full of themselves they don’t perceive people or situations as are only from their small minded toxic viewpoint or they’re as much of an issue as any main problem itself. Besides who sits and harasses a Survivor Leader/Human Rights Advocate or word is have beings do it for them? Like Issa Rae said they’re a bunch of nuts and drug addicts. The content, bad vibes, and harassment I’ve been receiving is drug addict and or mental behavior dead a$$. SMH.