I Really Wish

Voicing Freedom
2 min readOct 31, 2021

Being the kind of young Woman I am I really wish males that are into the plastic dumpster from hell kind would really cease pitting these miserable generally Jezebel cow heifers at and against people like me. Seems like those types have beef with everyone or start problems with everyone. How miserable do you have to be in life to start fights and beef with people that often times don’t even know you personally? I’ve had that happen more times than can be counted over the years by males that seem like they hate decent Women who won’t give them the time of day like that and create some problem that doesn’t exist on my end anyway but when or if you start hassling the hell out of me yeah there is going to be a problem. It’s beyond annoying. I don’t go for that, play in that, have more purpose than that, and better than that. I don’t know if it’s the internet and people living in such a dysfunctional world, they’re on dope, or just have mindset they assume things based on insecurity or based on something they were fed by some idiot that decent people like myself have motives meanwhile people like myself are just being who we are but it has happened to me so many times. It’s like you’re really not that important to me honestly unless you’re Jesus Christ no one is. It’s been a great deal when it comes to the internet of “What am I missing here?” I’ve had more people attack, harass, hassle, or anything else stemming from social media than I ever had in person let alone the whole predatory psycho issue I’ve practically had to metaphorically beat with a two-by-four to metaphorically push away. It’s like I didn’t do anything to you I’m sorry if you seem to hate who I am and stand for but someone you don’t know personally to have that much of a problem apparently is stupid. Truth be told if those types didn’t screw or run with the demons they apparently do they wouldn’t have half the problem with people like myself who aren’t that. ::Shrugs:: Like I said if you aren’t supporting people or anything positive then don’t bother them like that in any form. If you can’t be happy for or support other people then don’t hassle them causing a problem. It’s simple don’t like it don’t read it because chances are it’s got nothing to do with you. If you don’t like someone especially based on their beliefs, who they are, or anything else stay away from them don’t interact with them. It’s pretty simple to do. Do people not have enough to do in their lives than to sit online and hassle the crap out of people or have their Jezebels hassle the hell out of people like myself?



Voicing Freedom

Activism, Human Rights as you never heard them, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince