If troublemaking slinking beings with an axe to grind obviously think they’re going to lurk and pick off my life which I can prove while hassling me giving me a hard time they have another thing coming. Nobody on my end has stood in their way but I’ve sure been receiving and encountering plenty of crap I can prove. They can have each other. The behavior of things I’ve been receiving (provable etc), has shown a lack of character, lack of professionalism, lack of anything. It is known as a block button. If beings don’t like what I have to post don’t look at or read it. I don’t deal with dirty beings. They can have at it with each other. I wouldn’t want to be those types on judgement day the grime they have probably done to people is probably a mile long. They better enjoy what they have now because in the afterlife those types will have nothing most likely. They can keep thinking in their narcissism an intelligent unlike those issues apparently, accomplished, established professional of a law office is an issue despite anything. Maybe they need look at the beings in the reflection. I better not hear they said anything foul about me, spread anything defaming, or attempt to keep me from obtaining anything financially or vocationally because I will slap them with a defamation suit, damages, etc as well as go to the press with what type of beings they are. They apparently like, get off on drama and ugliness they will have nothing when I got done with them. For the final time those with those problems and issues need to get off my social media with whatever their problem is, either come out with it or go away. The end case closed.