Ignorance Isn’t Owed An Answer
“Her ignorance is not owed an answer.” White Chocolate by Elizabeth Atkins Bowman
There is a saying “Ignorance isn’t owed an answer.” Let ignorance show it’s a$$ end to be blunt and look like a fool doing it. The best response to ignorance is none at all. TD Jakes once said you want to gauge who someone is? Let them talk. They will inform you of exactly who they are quickly. Let people lose all support, regard, or credence to it, no reaction no interaction. A fool is going to be a fool. Don’t look at them, don’t interact, don’t let it get under your skin, nothing. Whatever issue they have is them not the whole pulled together person a subject of razing and harassment really. If you’re not acknowledging, interacting, or saying anything to them and they continually hassle/go at you that’s a mental illness of a being that has all kinds of psychological, emotional, and spiritual issues God has to deal with them about. That is not a normal healthy behavior. Keep it moving and stepping. Let them go at no one and themselves. People get sick of that and lose interest quickly. Allow law to handle those problems if it’s that level of issue which is seldom that is required but other than that allow beings be who and what they are meanwhile be who and what you are. A whole person doesn’t have to defend themselves against crap because it’s outlandish and beyond the realms of what reality is. If you’re not that then you don’t have to answer to or about anything you are well aware you’re not. The reason I made the statement of a publication I’ve spoken of numerous times over the years because especially when it comes to the older crowd as opposed to kids now people that have appearances of mine and catch issues from Black females especially there is that element of the lighter skinned a ethnically mixed person is/mixed they will find a reason to have an issue and obviously resent. Especially if you’ve encountered and taken notice a pattern of it that everyone they have something against are all either light skinned, mixed, etc. Not to speak on if they stem from an area known for that sort of animosity and never see them around anyone who doesn’t look like them then often times that is what it’s rooted in they don’t want to profess it especially since we are in the 2020’s but that is exactly what it can be based upon. Ignorance and insecurity, white females can be the same way too. If everyone they have issue with is Black or Brown they’re a closet racist most likely. Those types you can practically see the hatred, toxic poison, and animosity oozing out of them. Again it’s not the kids of their teens and 20’s, it’s the older generation that are grown in age but not maturity nor security.