Ignore a hateful self professed canine that has psychological, emotional, and spiritual issues. Let them act like a jack a$$ and show their a$$. There is a reason nobody likes them. I’m not afraid of needs to grow up overgrown thuggets and the like. I’ll have them thrown a$$ first in federal prison and have everything taken away from them. Let them act ignorant and stupid. It is druggy mental behavior like you would see some crank head walking around the street yelling something nonsensically talking to themselves or something. It is beneath everything people like myself am or are. No one is afraid of them, in person I laugh at beings like that to their face because it’s apparent they weren’t half raised and beneath anything people like me are. Those types run their yap too much openly to be anything legitimate. Real ones don’t I’ve been around real ones plenty they don’t interact with people they’re not doing business with let alone pick fights with them. I’ve been around Mafia REAL mafia and they treat survivor leaders with class and respect. They don’t bother us. Anything less is an insecure bully showing their a$$. Ignore those types and keep it moving. They’re not terribly bright to come at someone like me. It is nothing more than stupid imp behavior. When I did a show recently I had a couple of those ratchet types mouth off I quite actually just looked at them and laughed because that behavior is quite stupid and beneath even answering to.
I don’t interact with beings like that.