Ignore Cows
Ignore any self centered self absorbed toxic plastic cows that are black witchcraft tarot card reading snakey venom no talent and basically mad because they’re not bright by choice, clout chasing males they chase use their types thus hasn’t really accomplished anything other than who they screwed which they yammer about graphically openly as grown beings therefore just mumbles the same dead nothings about no decent males always trying to get under others skin being jack a$$’es entirely. Don’t attack or harass me when you are not on my level in any sense by choice and have been a problem since they reared their cringing heads thus apparently the rotten apples didn’t fall far from the trees not to mention I was about long before them with more in my head than screwing people as I do not have interest in that so they need to sit down and stop being ignorant. Maybe they need to go apply pressure with not being a disgrace of mere females and ignorant yaps. It’s like yeah look at me and look at yourself yeah I look real miserable and unhappy. It’s called projection. Like I said me: Has credentials out the door well under the age of 40 worked with everyone from FBI to CIA.
Problem beings::Crickets practically:: They are basically mad because I am a respectable person had the respect of many which they never had and couldn’t stand that alone when all is said/done. That’s where the venom and hatred stems from.
Beings like that need to grow up, stop being crabs in a bucket really and leave me alone like that. I’m not about that never been.