Ignore a psycho that everyone is aware they’re a psycho. Law enforcement, security, people they slink on, everyone. Ignore, report, block, don’t interact. It’s like keep watching I might do a trick. LOL Weirdo psycho females it’s like and what is the point in watching me and trying to control my life, what are you digging for? Nothing that has anything to do with me has nothing to do with those brand of psycho weirdos who look like one flew over the cookoos nest. It’s like what is the deal with some latched onto me psycho female and some male I don’t know, never met, never talked to nothing? Is it even an actual whatnot or something they wander around in their head about?
It’s one of the most cringing things, it’s like that problem really react and seems to attempt to keep me from being in the same vicinity albeit always career related nothing to do with some male when they think I’m with them that I don’t know inter-personally never spoken with them or anything, it is to the extent “Why are you so invested in this to the extent you are willing to go to federal prison or declared a ward of the state committed to a criminally insane state facility.” Jockeying for position gets no one anywhere. Go be a “spy” someplace else like checking into a facility no cap about it. Psycho’s out there. Block, Report, Next.