IKWUD Last Summer Episode 8
The episode is titled “Your Next Life Could Be So Much Happier” without giving away too much I have to say the story line it is getting really fascinating. It’s certainly one of those shows you have to contemplate. The writers are doing a great job with is especially as it goes.
Courtesy of- Amazon Fire TV
Without giving away any despoiling “You have no idea what I’m capable of.” That line whoa blew the whole story line out of the water I’ll post that much. It’s seeming no one is who one may think in this story line. Moral of the story? Be careful who you trust because everyone is not on nor by your side. Just as much is everyone isn’t who you may think they are. As far as the character bunch of warped ones. Moral of that in real life… stay away from warped mind screw horrible beings. The finale writing was unparalleled I must say.