“I’ll be the victim”
A component all psychotic types have in common is they’re perpetually “the victim”, in everything it’s the victim complex regardless of how much they’ve victimized others or reality is completely the opposite. They even create scenarios just so they can be the victim. There is a character called The Riddler featured in the Batman Forever film from the 1990’s staring Jim Carey. Upon Bruce Wayne not wishing to invest or push Edward Nigmas (Riddler) invention that involved mind manipulation he flipped and was like “You were supposed to understand… I’ll make you understand.” That’s a example of a victim complex and mentality of “I’m gonna get back at you and the world because I hate my life that I made it the way it is.”
It’s not about what happens or doesn’t actually Happen to you it’s about what you do with it. You can wallow in it for 5, 10, 20, 30 years or flip it entirely.
I’ve joked about the scene from Addams Family when Wednesday Addams said to the annoying brown nosing girl at camp after she said “I’ll be the victim” reply “All your life.” It really is like that sometimes.