Illuminati Talk
I’ve spoken on this before. It is no shock to me that many who show such hostility and malice towards anyone who pushes themselves to reach their fullest potential in their lives almost always harbor conspiracy theorist ideologies. It’s as if theorists have to have someone to point fingers at and resent for their viewing others personal transcendence in life as their own loses. It’s essentially an effortless removal of personal responsibility as if to say, “If that person didn’t have this or had this standing I wouldn’t be where I am. I can have what they have matter of fact I can have their position in life — all I have to do is get them out of the way.” If you look at conspiracy theories what is the root? Always judging the supposed culpability of various highly generalized groups regardless of individuality of those which have space in those groups- the Jews are to blame, the wealthy, the educated, leaders of any variety, even simply the emotionally intelligent. Every aspect of conspiracy theories is steeped in resentment and blame.. needless to say that is a dangerous place to be. There was an interview some years ago now on Vlad TV in which a well known Gentleman was speaking on this. I attempted to obtain just that portion of the interview but it wasn’t available.
Credit- Vlad TV
Basically in concise terms in my observation and experiences the most resentful basically use their paranoid faulty beliefs as an excuse to attack those who are or weren’t what they are not — failing to target their own personal responsibility for their own lives therefore it is an easy scapegoat to not examine themselves as people. It’s a scapegoat for covetousness basically. In some ways it is much easier to blame other people for your own problems on the other hand attempting to connect dots that in actuality do not exist in actuality is honestly not a healthy route in life. Always take responsibility for your own life not hate, blame, and or covet what others are or have. Conspiracy theories are often actually based on fear, ignorance, biases, and animosity. In closing there is no ,Illuminati, that controls the world. It doesn’t exist, there is no diabolical “Secret Society”, no “Secret Language,” “Secret Handshakes” none of that. At most there exists individuals (usually on the internet) that take themselves way too seriously but to believe there is this major conspiracy against the public or those not in perceived “members” lives or clique is honestly mentally unhealthy entirely. I’ve told this story before I was asked from some account on twitter 4 or 5 years ago to join “The Illuminati” they had a whole form set up, the whole 9. I filled it out just for humor purposes. Needless to say I’m not in the Illuminati, anything I’ve gained was through reputable means. Through God (of Abraham not Man,) my own merit, knowledge, experience, and credentials garnered through all of the above. That is the actuality of the majority of successful and or esteemed people. As ,Jay Z, also addressed rumors as to his “Illuminati membership” in song “A devil I am not.” Conspiracy theories are based on judgement, generalization, and extremely narrow personal biases as well as misconceptions most often.
Credit- Adam Ruins Everything