I’m Glad
“I’m glad the pimps don’t like us.” Sister Mary Rose
The Covenant House began their work with youths on the street in the 1950’s. Before it was ever referred to as Sex Trafficking the crime of youths being bought & sold for sexual gratification was often coined “Survival Sex” with adult buyers IE in exchange for shelter, food, clothes, money, etc or “Child Prostitution” when the truth has always been a child can not legally consent to sex with an adult therefore there is no such thing or ever has been of a “Child Prostitute.” Covenant House were really the pioneers in their work with primarily American children who had been lured into the sex trade. 2020 there are still roughly 300,000 to 1 million youths on the streets of America fleeing broken homes, fleeing abuse, nowhere else to turn, and so on. Within the first 48 hours of a child being on the street they will be approached by a pimp at least once looking to put them out for profit. It is for obvious reasons pimps and those who are involved in it have never regarded those who have worked towards ending it with anything other than contempt and disdain. But that’s alright we welcome it because it means the work is effective. Don’t like us or what we do? Tough, get over it there is a lot more of us who don’t wish to see another youth exploited and abused by a pimp to be bought by pedophiles than there are of those who think there is nothing wrong with the trade exploiting and brutalizing youths with nowhere else to go or so they’ve been led to believe. So perpetrators can hate us and snark at us all day long they’re not our priority nor matter. They’ll answer to God for it sooner or later but our priority isn’t them it’s the children who have been inflicted.