Voicing Freedom
4 min readAug 3, 2020

In the era

Of #MeToo this is very relevant.

#MeToo has been a voice and saving grace for survivors everywhere. With that said many a survivor have been in discussion about the movement. There’s a clique of “woke” pro white feminist Karen’s that honestly if someone literally not only looks at them the wrong way they freak out but if they put out an image that’s going to draw that attention they get entirely beside themselves when the attention they obviously are seeking is attracted because they exude disrespect towards themselves and others then yet complain about it meanwhile will discount and talk down to I hate to say it REAL survivors of REAL Sexual Violence who are usually of color. There is a lot of racism, classism, and colorism unfortunately for those who have jumped on the MeToo and Womens March band wagon. Cher during the first Women’s March called this dynamic out openly — she relayed herself a multi ethnic Woman and Alicia Keyes were set to speak but were quickly pushed out of the way by all white femanazi types (yes they do exist) who thought their words were more important that really think because someone stared at them the wrong way they were totally violated to be entirely blunt. Trafficking and rape survivors of color have the same petty struggles from Beckys and Karen’s, Karen’s that honestly bring their melodramatic issues on themselves mostly want to push their way into the movement, shut us down and basically want to be more relevant to the experience than are. I’ve seen the Karen mentality out and out set up “affronts” and “offenses” just so they can cry about it for attention and get some superiority kick out of it. We’ve all heard or seen the stories of the white Girl who lied on the Boy or Man of color claiming rape that was actually consensual sex. Many people of color in the states and abroad have those true life stories in the communities that innocent Boys or Men of color were sent to jail or worse in times past because a white female accused them of something that didn’t occur. The problem is the mentality, the White Privileged narcissistic “I’ve suffered more attitude of my poor pitiful feet hurt (metaphorically)” that their arrogant Eurocentric ancestors had towards Slaves, Indigenous, and Roma peoples. We were their inconvenience and still are as we’ve all seen on the news or experienced. That’s why real survivors often have to find inclusionary places especially of color. There is something to be said why in Black and Brown communities there’s a vibe and sense if not entirely outright expressed “Please don’t let a White female or too many of them in our space because it won’t be long they’ll be wanting to take over and shout us down” and I hate to say it’s very true. That’s why Roma’s steer clear of non Roma especially throughout Europe because of that Karen mentality. I’ve seen, heard, or experienced more sheer rudeness as playing some pathetic victim from Karen’s towards textbook survivors of extreme violence typically of color than anything else. That’s why the world blame near despises Whiteness and Eurocentrism right now because there’s a great deal of oppression and history there. They often still don’t get it and honestly many of them of that mindset are in the closet racists, they just don’t admit it. They don’t like Black people really, Brown people or Golden people at all. They really do think they’re above and better than us you can hear it in their tones and deliveries just look at the Karen videos out there. That mentality wants to be numero uno at everything. Many a survivor will say as Chapelle once said “You are wearing a wh__s uniform I’ll tell you that much” and honestly I and many a survivor do not have a lot of pity for those kind who really just want attention at any cost as part of their white fragility complex that cries boo hoo to be the center of attention but wouldn’t lift a finger for a Girl or Woman of color unless they could show off or be some white savior to. Basically everything revolves around them. They like the idea of white “feminism” basically but not inclusive feminism. There were a couple of mixed race YouTubers that created a video some years ago about “Dear White People.” There was one stark aspect they pointed out along the lines of “White people females especially YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE INVOLVED IN EVERYTHING WE ARE or DO.” Let alone try to grandstand as some hero and be some voice that needs the bullhorn pulled because for one you’ve had your say throughout history for 2 you only use it to further oppress or deprecate voices of color to be entirely forthright. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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