In The Room
Being someone who has dealt with the less than cream of the crop of humanity I’d love for them to be in the room with this guy for an hour max because I think that’s all it would take to level them.
Courtesy of- Dan Pena
Alpha Leaders
I grew up with instructors like that, of course modeling, dance, etc I’m used to that they don’t bother me any but them like most cowards haven’t done or been around much obviously. Those types are too damn soft which is why they’re a psycho because psycho’s are really insecure that’s why they have to prey on those they deem as vulnerable when we are anything but so. That’s why they can’t bring it correct in person and have to do all their nastiness online, tech, etc and not to anyone’s face especially mine. They’re cowards and if they’re so damn anything I’d dare them to put themselves in the same room as this guy or any business tycoon like them. All those heavyweights are all like that. They would be eaten alive rightfully so. They’d say one thing with their nasty wannabe unintelligent yap and they’d be done. If they’re so big and wannabe bad a$$, better than everyone, smarter than everyone else, and successful put themselves in the room with types like this. See how well it goes.