Indigenous Factuality of Our Women
The argument of far righters against Women that they fail to distinguish is their issues are with privileged eurocentric females or those that may as well be. They haven’t had contact with Indigenous Women or those of warrior cultures that our diaspora of any gender were and are warriors from the genesis of our peoples. We are an entirely distinct diaspora of thought, conduct, beliefs, and heritages. Their complaints of Women typically wielding the most repugnant ostentatious behavior of entitled eurocentrism or those stemming of non warrior cultures as fuel for their beliefs towards Women. They are not knowledgeable that their loathing is against the most eurocentric and or oppressed ideological notions of what it is to be a Woman. I reposted this years prior. It was an interview from the late Russell Means.
Our matriarchal Indigenous cultures it is not that Women rule it is female male balance. It is an entirely distinct conceptualization that our cultures hold sacred. It is why despite hundreds of years of genocide and the remnants we habitually counter against that we have survived as the mighty peoples we are. It is why we had the AIM movement, the movement against pipelines, against the crimes of Missing Murdered Indigenous Girls and Women, the epidemic of Sex Trafficking our youths primarily, the movement in the arts, entertainment, law, activism, etc etc. Their gripe is rooted not perceiving Women inclusively they’re perceiving us generally. Like Men of other cultures are not the same we furthermore are not the same as Women.