Industry Chronicles

Voicing Freedom
4 min readMar 7, 2021


I’ve said this several times but females from or around the not so entertaining these days industry I’ve had issues from a few times over the years are almost to be pitied, they really are because those who pit them against either each other or decent Women like myself who have nothing to do with that dumpster dive lifestyle or in many cases beings honestly just use them for fodder. They fail to realize they’re 1 in about a million females or anything else they’ve blown- it’s glorified and encouraged in that world. Often times you can feel the contention and the way they compete with each other or just random Women throwing all dignity, self respect, or anything else out the window. They’re often little boys in a lot of respects playing little boy games with females who allow them to. My whole issue is when I’ve been thrown into it when honestly I wouldn’t touch none of that with a 10 foot pole. That world is a terrible world full of terrible low end beings that often attracts terrible low life’s that those in it live worse than swine to put it honestly most often than not. Everyone is aware of how that world operates. A lot of them typify what Chris Rock spoke on so many years ago. That’s why too often they die alone and miserable because there aren’t quality people by choice in that world. That’s why people like myself with any moral code stay to ourselves entirely and accept no offers that aren’t professionally based from them (and trust Women like myself have received many over the years.) There’s been many I’ve turned down over the years. I think I told one guy I’d jack slap him on his a$$ if he came at me again with that kind of crap, another I promised to drag his swine ratchet female if they ever bothered me again because you have to talk to the depraved like that because they have no respect for others, well you get the gist... I got some stories from entitled folks coming at me over the years thinking I’d be easy to talk into something that goes entirely against who I am and always been. Then of course you have the hangers on and wannabes out there who think you’re down with all of that and into it thus think you’re a compromiser to be into all that when you’re not, for whatever reason they’ve made up in their head thus they’ll come at you too but usually trying to kick you out of some position they think you’re in or just simply respected for your stances in life.

By Grunge

Point is if that makes one of us less momentarily popular fine. I never asked to be liked especially having the beliefs I do but I certainly won’t be leaving any self respect and or dignity at the door. I don’t go into Illumanti speech territory because the Illumnati doesn’t exist like that and it’s just nuts to believe otherwise but I will say there definitely has been a very dark sinister shift in the industry aside from the lack of talent to be entirely honest. You can even hear it in some of the modern music or lack thereof now very dark and unsettling, not to mention the way the people look after they’ve been in it any length of time just complete dead eyed, creepy, and or honestly like invasion of the body snatchers for the most part, nutty as loons often times too, like they’ve sold their soul for fame to put it bluntly but scripture does say “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” ::Shrugs::

Well he said it. Seriously it’s they’ll be saying “I love Jebus he be blessing me” meanwhile they live in such depravity and likewise in their mentality it’s like “I don’t know what God you all serve but it sure isn’t the one I do.” He doesn’t wink at that. You can’t cherry pick the Bible to say or mean something it doesn’t to justify sin let alone depravity in many cases.

There was a preacher prior to Martin Luther King who was known for his frank nature by the name of Vernon Johns. He was asked to lead a funeral for basically a strifeful arrogant contentious individual, he was instructed to say all kinds of fanciful unfitting sentiments about this said fool, of course Johns being Johns wasn’t having it. Rather than the deluded speech per usual at funerals Johns was more along the lines of, “He was a good for nothing (among other blunt descriptions.) He had been walking around for years saying ‘I dare anyone to take me’ one day someone obliged him. He lived like a dog he died like a dog.” And that’s the reality of most of those types they live like dogs and most of them die like dogs… Jebus or no Jebus because they’re not of God whatsoever any 1/3 wit can gauge that.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince