Industry Chronicles.. and Wannabe’s
I was saying on my social media I was going to post a plethora of why industry females generally who have no talent whatsoever have grown to disdain me over the years that I’ve been vocal about despite I have nothing to do with them or anything that has anything to do with them. I stay in the Classical, Theater, and some Indie Arts realm of things for a reason… and trust I’ve had offers. The reason for that despite anything I previously wanted out of life is all of my experiences I’ve unfortunately had I don’t want to be around that kind of trash to put it bluntly and deal with that slum low grade mentality anymore than already have — that I’m not even on obviously. Not sure in my experiences who is worse those actually in it, sort of in it on the lower end and very hopped up on something, or those who wannabe to be honest.
- Mainly I don’t take their crap when they have brought it because they obviously think I have something with their momentary superficial low caliber crap. If I didn’t take it from a psycho rapist for 10 years afterward I sure as hell won’t be taking anything from their low caliber kind
- I have morals and don’t screw everything in sight. Maybe they should try it sometime… maybe they’d have some healthy balance of self worth, the way they come at people, thus not try to overcompensate by being narcissistic and idiotic
- I have a brain they obviously don’t
- I have self control and management they obviously do not. Someone looks at them and they jump it to be blunt.. and very territorial about it
- They don’t nor can stand the thought whoever they’re blowing to be blunt glanced at me or has (this is why I do not hang in clubs as well too many problems I long outgrew)
- I’m classy they’re not obviously
- I have healthy boundaries they don’t
- They’re like no home training animals with little regard or conscience I am not
- I have spirit and fortitude they really don’t
- I don’t want to play their sicko power playing game wasting everyone’s time
The end case closed. This is why I don’t network much on social media anymore in the entertainment field. It’s a viper pit. Too many issues I’m not about in the first place, having been preyed on previously, too many posers, people stringing along with unprofessional nonsense no professional of any sect does, groupies coming after me thinking I want to be one, common place females having issues with me, males thinking I’m about something I’m not, wasting my time with BS basically. It’s a shame but that’s the reality of the internet and why it’s not the best idea to network on it. In that business people will f with you to purposely lock you out of the little bubble world it is because they think it’s allowed, people aren’t people most often they’re toys basically. I long became aware of that. They don’t want nobody to have anything but them — again this is why I stay strictly in human rights and in the non mainstream of things art wise too many nuts in, around, and gravitate towards it that are basically mad because they can’t be in it nor have the capability to be. They’re most often like a bunch of damn hyenas and jackals. It’s very different than it used to be. Used to you could go to an audition, casting, post professional work, do a show, etc without some POS to be blunt of any gender screwing with you. Now professionals can’t do that without the jackals going nuts probably because they’re so coked up most of the time. I’m about art real art, dance, music, singing, etc not all the stupid often hassle BS to be blunt that just wastes everyone’s time. Too many over inflated egomaniacs and stupidity that goes on basically that I want no part of. I’ve literally had females from that world follow where they thought I was or actually was in some cases (for professional reasons nothing more) all to see if I was with some male puta they were screwing. Twisted and sick as is I’ve had that happen a few times because a lot of them have obvious severe mental, emotional, addiction, and everything else issues aside from they have no purpose or talent. I have gotten to the point I won’t even go to a casting or submit for anything if I’m not feeling the look of those I could potentially work for or with. If I get crap vibes I’m out of there and steer clear of them entirely. The last mainstream artist I probably would have even considered working with was Prince everything else is just not up to par in any way. It’s dumb and low brow the end case closed. ::Shrugs::