Industry Online Chronicles
“Typically miserable generally druggy clout chasing Industry female as they’re a fool: Mine mine mine
Everyone else ::: 🦗🦗::
I’m pretty sure nobody claiming you really. You’re kind of alone in that. It’s you and about a million others. Sorry you lost again. Don’t bother me.”
Jesus Cristo I swear to God if these moronic females had a singular functioning brain together it would be a miracle. I’ve dealt with that same Crap a thousand times from moronic eye rolling females. They are the kind of females when I was a kid I’d slap on their a$$ because they’re estupido by choice. Scrapping to be the center of attention females. As aforesaid I could not deal with females like that in person. I probably would shove their head in a toilet.. it would be a vast improvement seriously or strangle them. This is why people like me are not always well liked in that realm because people like me put up with crap about 5 seconds.
As aforesaid maybe they’ll beat the hell out of each other and leave me alone about it. I’m better than all of that entirely as a person and everything else. It’s no home training as any faith text refers to as harlot, Jezebel low behavior not at all Woman behavior. One component they all have in common is they all obviously stem from trashy home raising or rather not with obviously no decent Father figure otherwise they wouldn’t be as idiotic as are. Block and next.