Industry Player Knowledge
I’ve not only encountered this a great deal but also have written on and posted on as to why it occurs. The reason females come at and go at Girls/Women they feel threatened by is because males in that realm entertain a lot of females all at once. As aforesaid players in that world will have 5 or 10 females at once if not more…without the either pride or ignorance to how players operate females taking that into account. That’s why the females war with each other all the time. Let us face it males in that world aren’t generally the cream of the moral crop they’re not typically forthright with any of them or just enough to keep them stringing along therefore if as a Woman you catch a lot of heat from females from that realm it is because the player has professed or told them all either the same thing and or something totally different than what actually is — OR a thwarted female has caught wind of you being alive (Yet not in that equation) thus makes an issue in pertaining to you. I became aware of that dynamic through my whole perpetration as a kid albeit that perp isn’t even a bonafide artist at all but that is the mentality more or less a lot of them have. Males in that realm are frequently known players if not liars at least to some degree. And generally they’ll pick females that already have problems as individuals to feed and facilitate that toxicity it makes them feel powerful. Athletes can be the same way. There has been several of either or world I’ve promised if they continued to hassle me I’d shove their head in a toilet or drag them all over the east coast at one point. That is why I’ve always said I don’t allow none of them to pull anything over or on me whatsoever I don’t play into none of that. I had more time wasted with some males and females who were way too old to be doing that crap from that realm playing games than anything else. With all the BS they were pulling they could have instead been offering me squared up work in the field but instead chose to entirely unprofessional to harass or be the root cause of harassment.
That’s why I’ve said over the years the illustration of Marian nailing Robinhood in the nuts is a pretty succinct description of me. lol I’m only really mean but really just assertive when I need to be. Again let us review. lol
Courtesy of- FamousMovieClips 02
When ,Dan Pena, told the story of his daughter he used the very quote my own Mother has said about me, “If you ever got kidnapped they’d bring you back in a few hours. I don’t think you’ll ever to be able to be married.” lol
Pink once had a song “18 Wheeler” one of the lyrics was “Don’t let them pull you by the skirt you’re gonna get your feelings hurt.” And that’s exactly how you have to look at it when dealing with males in that realm to any capacity, it’s best not get too anything towards or with them because generally they don’t value people like that, other people don’t have feelings or even human. It’s a shallow world full of shallow people. People are dispensable females especially. Females especially are often commodities or short lived thrills most often. It’s not a bright idea to get involved with them like that. It’s not a good idea to even entertain the notion because it’s too problematic, too toxic, and brings too much drama most often. Don’t play with a player it wastes time, energy, talents, and or gifts.