Inuit Youths : Another Stolen Generation
Inuit Youths are under threat as the Danish Government is pulling a typical colonialist crime of removing Inuit tribal children from the care of their parents questionably under false pretenses and intentionally placing them in Danish homes hence removing the culture from our youths.
This practice was at last outlawed in America but in other countries such as Europe and Canada it lives on. These countries along with Australia took part in these crimes against humanity whether they were essentially kidnapping Indigenous youths to place the youths in abusive boarding schools stripping Indigenous youths of our languages and heritages OR placing the kidnapped into unbefitting abusive white homes meant to assimilate us into white society it’s been a detestable practice upon Indigenous peoples.
On December 10th there will be a demonstration to yet again combat this affront to not solely our Indigenous rights but our culture. This detestable act of removing youths from our homes is the remnant stain of genocide upon our peoples that we are combating. Join us December 10th to voice your dismay at this latest affront to our rights and our youths. This latest act of violence against our communities is but another Stolen Generation committed by another country. For those that aren’t privy to what that is educate yourselves. The linked video has been reposted previously.