Invasion of Privacy
Wow, sounds like some of the delusional disturbed types I’ve dealt with. 😳 By no means is it at all legal to do what the apparent cyber and otherwise stalker admitted to committing. You can not invade on the privacy of others like that , pulling personal information and records from sources that typically are done so through illegal means. That’s cyberstalking, when you’re going through the emails, personal information, social media activity etc of others that is not readily available that’s entirely criminal and is cyberstalking. That’s when it goes over into federal criminal offenses worthy of federal time if prosecuted. Hackers for example are arrested all the one for committing intrusive acts like so, as are stalkers. The ignorance or just entitlement of those who commit those type of crimes is astounding. Not to mention a waste of total energy, time, resources and even freedom because sooner or later you will get caught.