Iraq’s Secret Sex Trade
Why child advocates and abolitionists against modern day slavery go so hard against this abomination inflicted upon Girls, Women, and human kind in general. Trigger warning is highly advised for the documentary. No excuse ever, not acceptable to touch a child and or to essentially sex traffic Women out as well. It is a despicable criminal enterprise entirely. Matter of fact according to the United Nations the number of childhood marriages is around a staggering 650 million world wide. 650 million is 650 million too many. It should not exist, it is a crime and a disgrace to humanity. An astounding number of these Girls and Women end up sex trafficked by their much older “husbands” who actually are their exploiters. I’m glad the documentary showed the faces of the perpetrators for the most part. They need to be publicly known as the sexual deviants they are and publicly shamed. I am among those who would love to let these pseudo “good Muslim” clerics and pseudo “men” that quintessentially pimp children out, that pimp out unaware or vulnerable Women “I don’t care how ‘holy’ you think you are. God is NOT impressed with you, nobody is. You are as unholy and lowly as can be make no mistake about that. You’re a sexual predator that if you do not face legal justice you will answer to God for what you’ve done to the Girls and Women you prey upon. You are a despicable disgrace to your religion, the people you come from, your country, and the entire male gender. End of discussion.”
To close this post out below are a few quotes from Iraqi “Pleasure Marriage” survivors. “Pleasure Marriage” being the pretty language misnomer in place referring to the act it is. It is sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of youths as well as vulnerable Women. Period. If the words written thus far haven’t struck anyone reading then perhaps allow the words of a few of those who have survived this atrocious break of human dignity.
“I’m trapped. I’ve thought about suicide. If I feel more pressure, I will do it.” Survivor
“When a Girl starts doing this she is destroyed. Her life ends the first day she takes this road. She has no future.” Survivor
“For them a Woman is an object. They don’t see her as a human being with feelings. They’re like animals. They eat the flesh and throw away the bones.” Survivor