Irredeemable Traits
Anyone with any ounce of human or humane anything would catalog as irredeemable, the lowest grade of being, and dare said accursed:
Mocking, Harassing, Setting Up, Removing something of life in some way or deeming to, lying on, or stalking a known Survivor (Which occurs more than not being some of the most subjugated people socially speaking are survivors which is a commentary on the inhuman condition when it comes to as Oprah well put it a different kind of human.. or subhuman in my opinion and not different or rarity in a good way.) Survivors include Genocide, Sexual Violence, Human Trafficking, Female Genital Mutilation, Domestic Violence, Childhood Marriage, Terminal Illnesses, Etc Etc.
Violators of people of the book or person of the book. This particular pertains to sexually in some form or in general having no respect
Crimes Against Children
Crimes Against Elderly
Crimes Against Animals
Crimes against Human Vulnerability
Commercial Sexual Exploiters that have no reservations of anything they’ve enacted
Grandstanders over a survivor as formerly said or an elder being objectionable as possible
Having no respect for anyone or thing
Making light of and fun or others faiths IE Mocking
Never having remorse never owning up for wrongful deeds. Haughty mentality, attitude, disdainful
Scapegoating for self issues onto others
Deliberately deeming to inflict torment, hardship, destruction, etc towards innocent people. This is can be lawfully labeled as a hate crime especially if there is evidence the animosity was motivated by religion, ethnicity, country of origin, color, creed, etc etc.
Mocking a legitimately disabled, elderly, or feeble person especially
Lying about having a disability or some deemed vulnerability for attention
Enablers and indifferent bystanders. I’ve no use for them as the saying goes. I find them just as reviling as an offender themselves
These are the type of beings I could not be in a room with because I am aware of my limits. I have no tolerance for them and would entirely dismantle anything & everything they ever believed about themselves while sitting up on their narcopathic Lucifer complex high horse. They would feel like less than vomit when I was done tearing into them. I have 0 forbearance or sympathy for those types, they are less than nothing to me. They don’t have a future nor will ever inherit anything in this life nor the next because God doesn’t bless ugly nor the gutter humanity has to offer.