I had posted this a couple of years ago on another platform I basically was run off of by another textbook creeping narcopath and their online pseudo “community” of wannabe “bloggers” more like cyber criminals from what I could tell that no professional anything otherwise does that to begin with — by aside from openly harassing and trashing the company openly instead of handling their issue like a true professional adult but also going through hundreds of my posts eaves dropping and reporting them because they think they’re the cyber police of self righteous morality yet obviously can’t even control themselves let alone anyone else even though being blocked, told to leave me alone, even contacted law on, and they kept repeating like manic parrot on uppers level of “stolen content”, “Plagiarizer”, among other thoughtful off the wall put downs that didn’t make any logical sense for sharing links etc of actual copy-written reputable high end content that wasn’t any of their concern or business thus went on to create a bunch of bat insane claims on social media openly (slander) and tagging everyone from twitter to high end magazines- it was nuts with their pseudo “campaign” of ignorance and not to mention to their honestly dim witted pseudo online friends with the brain capacities of next to nothing, no reputable anything in their lives or credentials of anything who none are who they say anyway and honestly that was their M.O from the beginning they wanted to push me offline, tear down my character and real reputation because they don’t have one except for bringing others down, and honestly acting like idiots looking for attention at others expense. I have a pretty good idea where they came from timeline wise plus the fact it seemed to start again months later every time I had an event to do or something professional oriented therefore conducted REAL research when I continually kept being harassed, monitored, and even seemingly stalked up the coast while traveling to an audition which they didn’t even try to hide that fact online openly due to being doxed by that imp thus showed they were seedy or just textbook criminally insane obviously — therefore it wasn’t even worth posting on it anymore plus there wasn’t any money making involved therefore 🤷🏽♀️, if all that was going to happen was being eaves dropped on and everything said or done picked apart by psychos with no life. So anyway the post was about just that when predators like that are textbook hunting and creeping on you, try to bully your life, thoughts, silence and basically take up your time and energy to tear you down in life there comes a point you have to stand up to them because sometimes ignoring them isn’t enough otherwise they’ll continue to think they have a license to do so.
The ending of the IT books and films (yes a spoiler a bit 😄) had a great point about metaphorically ending that which torments, attempts to control, and oppress you in life. It’s the ultimate “F You” because no one has that right.
It’s called minding your own business, obtaining a real life, finding a true purpose, stop trying to control other people, their thoughts, words, actions, professions on the levels you think they should be on because you’re basically mad you’re not on it or have what it takes in most cases, stay in your lane, it’s not your place or business. You’re not God and never will be no one is. Otherwise it’s called being a predator, hunting, and tracking people that typifies predatory behavior. 🤷🏽♀️