Second Chapter IT
Albeit it’s a highly dramatized and fantasy of real life predatory types
IT Second Chapter being aforesaid in previous posts get off on thinking they have some sort of hidden and secretive information on people or things they usually actually don’t. The sole thing those sorts may have is their warped narrative of it. They really are about like Pennywise from IT. Those types are a cross between that and the Beverly character’s parent characteristic wise. The part upon Pennywise goading Richie “No one wants to play with the clown anymore, let’s play a game!” In interchanging with any unabating psycho of any gender it is important to maintain in mind that anything subversive they play through their whole goal is to harass, menace, and have have something over the heads of others because it’s a power trip they get off on. Those sorts reach for anything, any which way they deem they have a right to that isn’t valid in their pursuit of the menaced subjects.
Another crux the works of IT speak on particularly in the sequel is the astounding lengths those category of psycho’s in the real world enact to dig up dirt on a subject, anything personal they think will be ammunition towards people, or anything else in order to goad the subject or subjects is something incubus is made of. It is how not only how a loved one once jested but also a fellow survivor of that sort of evil psychopathy “They (harassers, etc) thinks they know more about me than I know about myself practically.” They have nothing in life but that. The important context despite the freakish actions of such they are actually powerless and only as menacing as the subject or subjects creates them to be. In the finalization how was Pennywise defeated? By shown how insignificant it was, the subjects of menace relayed how it was a merely a clown, a mimic, having no power over anyone a pathetic being thus nada beyond that. What did Pennywise say in the initial release near the ending? “I feast on your fears.”
That is Pennywise whole goal to harass, menace, and intimidate the main characters from adolescence through well into adulthood for giggles, warped notion of fun, and entertainment because Pennywise is the embodiment of evil such as any narcopathic types in real life are. Pennywise behavior is carried out steeped in a narcopathic drive for control over subjects and a joker type jovial power trip over subjects basically much like real life psycho sorts are towards the subjects of menace. Each character had their own source of menace. For Beverly it was her abusive bordering on incestuous parent.
The other’s it was either an over bearing neurotic Munchausen’s syndrome Mom, a headless boy harbored by a youth with self image issues
A kidnapped brother and deceased enacted by Pennywise
A Slaughterhouse and death of Parents, Bullies
etc etc. Such as with real life psycho’s Pennywise would wield these fears and matters towards the subjects like a parasite requires a host. The truth is you grant power to that which is granted credence and attention to in most cases if it is recognized as clown behavior and having no power it usually ceases. In most cases it will end if it is unacknowledged.
That which doesn’t subside and pursues past the no acknowledgement approach in realty that is what law has a place for in reality. In reality you can not harass, menace, impede on others lives in any form, etc. That is the difference between obvious fantasy and reality. The premise of the IT works was a creative illustration of real life occurrences and cues in how to resolve such out of the ordinary problems.