It’s Funny
It sure is funny how Men I’ve never met follow me around, this has occurred more than once. They never say anything they just follow me always seem to be in the same vicinity as me, kind of like having security about without having to shell out a minimum 4 grand on any given 2 day period. If it makes the said predator and their imps from hell-ville go away and leave me alone then that is what it is. Thus in turn makes not the brightest females in the box abhor me that much more but that’s to be predicted as they think everyone has the same intentions as them. All fighting and demoralized lacking self respect and dignity for a piece of something I care nothing about nor in like that, funny how that is. I can’t be involved with no more crap I’ve had more than my fill the last over decade of that which I was never involved with in the first place more like psychos coming at me. ::Shrugs::