It’s Unfortunate
It’s unfortunate that he turned out to be such an odious psycho predator because he was funny and made points about life in his stand-up. The part of when the kid said “I don’t kno” before the Mother cuts in going “Shut up answer me!”
That’s been my experience on social media and tech when it comes to morons I’m certain are brain damaged. You have to bless them out like children who don’t have any basic sense beings well into their 30’s and 40’s, 60’s meanwhile 20 somethings and teens far surpass that dumb immaturity and actually worth listening to not to mention changing the world. It’s like an online daycare of grown beings who think they can have a free for all. Aforesaid you have to talk to them like they’re 5 years old that require a hypothetical beating to cease hassling you about stupid crap. This is why I don’t talk to people or connect with anyone on social media anymore too many nuts on it.
Courtesy of- gerogiosd
Courtesy of- Falex34
Courtesy of- andrewf1