Jezebel Spirit
Courtesy of- Apply God’s Word
A Jezebel spirit and Mentality is not assigned to one gender as I’ve written on before and have had it cross paths with me a few times. I don’t engage that type of obvious wickedness and evil. I let God deal with them and he always does. When you’ve been in vocations such as I we can attract that element sometimes because they wouldn’t like the work we do of course because it goes entirely against what they do, promote, and exude. Normal healthy beings don’t have that look, vibe, expressions, or anything else. Jezebels are arrogant, belligerent, have no respect, full of themselves, and condescending. They often have addiction issues and usually don’t live to be terribly old and generally don’t age well. They could be fairly young but look a million years old because their Jezebel destructiveness and the way they live catches up. They’re miserable for a reason. What’s concerning and why to never engage a Jezebel in worldly fleshly manner even though it’s difficult sometimes especially if they’re hassling in some way is their total lack of remorse, lack of regard, lack of anything any healthy human being would have. A jezebel’s malignant narcopathy and behavior is on a whole other realm of arrogance that goes without saying. Their whole attitude and vibe is completely malignantly narcissistic. They abhor real people of God that live it Women especially because Women of God reflect everything they aren’t and that irritates their demonic spirit and obvious mental/emotional issues. That’s why they seek a fleshly response from those they hassle in order to exploit the owed reaction to their generally incessant tormenting.
Courtesy of- Concord Baptist Church
What is Malignant Narcissism? This article sums it up pretty accurately.
Courtesy of- Very Well Minded
Like any evil you can gauge a whole shift when a Jezebel is in an atmosphere. They look evil, act evil, express evil, give you an off putting gut feeling, even the way they look at people especially those they wish to conquer it’s like they’re something to possess or eat, and of course represent nothing but self, depravity, and evil. They often dabble in occultism or occult ideologies but not unusual to profess faith based sentiments (and use it for some gain when that is not what they are whatsoever.) Everyone that has been around or knitted their soul to them at some point it’s obvious they have because they don’t look or act right following. Their whole personhood is dark and gives off the incentive to avoid them if possible. A Jezebels eyes don’t look right neither do those who have dealt with them. I refer to it the maddened dog expression or life/mental state sucked out of them invasion of the body snatchers that no normal healthy being carries. When it comes to Jezebels their ways catch up eventually and like Jezebel they generally end the way they have lived. 🤷🏽♀️