Karens VS Minority Criminals
You can tell the most wide gap of cognitive abilities between the Karen types and Minority Criminals. Minority criminals even if they are of the predator persuasion are afraid of some capacity of law, real law because they’ve had confrontations with law enforcement. Psycho Karen types who are just as grimacing don’t since they really think in their gourd they are going to be let off since they’re a colonizer to be blunt about it when nothing is further from the truth. They have that white privilege doofus goofy low IQ stupidity in them that it doesn’t register they could or would actually be held accountable for their actions because they throw out the wannabe cutesy piteous valley female act when that is not the case. The real justice system doesn’t care they go by facts not acts. They were often raised that way they’ve probably enacted a plethora of crimes onto people in their existences. They don’t grasp the justice system and the way it actually operates because they’ve been coddled in their snowflake realm their pathetic existences. They’ve never been held accountable for anything nor have they lived in the real world. Aforesaid they’re either really stupid or really arrogant to think they won’t be held accountable like any other criminal would be.