Lebron James: Fellowship of Jewish People
Courtesy- Jewish Insider
A video went viral of Lebron James today of his presence at a Jewish wedding and conveying respect to the Rabbi. I also identified some of the inevitable conspiracy theory garbage comments of how we run the world all that ignorance. You can sense the animosity in the sentiments. I went on to say it is good to see a Black American figure such as Lebron James showing genuine respect to our people and leadership because in 2022 there exists the continuation of the anti-antisemitic debacle within Brown and Black communities as well as the Hip Hop genre of music. It has always been there but there is a bigotry of Jewish people and theories about us that isn’t valid not to mention perpetuates the very animosity the likes of Hitler spouted. We don’t rule the world, we don’t control the world, we don’t have special privileges in the world matter of fact in many parts of the world we are among the most discriminated of peoples furthermore in fact when God chose us as his people in the Bible as well as Torah it reads in Deuteronomy 7:7 “The LORD did not set his affection on you (the Hebrew people) and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples.” The only privileges we have come from the God of Abraham we serve but to be granted a handout generally for being Jewish no. Why do people think Hasidic people especially remain in own communities? Because aside from they are descents and survivors of the holocaust Jewish people as a whole we have been under attack and mass murdered since nearly the beginning of time. I urge anyone that believes otherwise watch footage of how Jewish people often live in parts of Europe and Russia especially, elderly people that survived the holocaust… nothing short of disgraceful. Talk to an aid worker who deals with the Jewish communities especially overseas. They will enlighten nay sayers real quick.
Courtesy- International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
Courtesy- IspotTV
Facts are to this day we are among some of the most widely despised and have a shroud of suspicion upon us as people right up there with Romani, Indigenous, Muslims in parts of the world can certainly be in that space as well, Christian as well, etc. We are the first people to be disrespected, discriminated against, and condemned over anyone else any day. If anything goes left or something occurs in the world we are blamed for it or suspicion of it. Therefore what Lebron James did is a good decent act in my informed opinion. It shows an example and respect. I said someone raised him right.