Lessons of Gran Torino
Not so unlike reality gangs, crime rings, etc will hassle people they are seeking to recruit.
Courtesy of- Fandango
Courtesy of- Bruce Huang
I grew up around that both on the West Coast context of the Latin and Asian gangs and on the East Coast the Hapa Hawaiian, Black, etc gangs. Let alone later having my info passed off to a crime ring by my serial perpetrator who probably had ties to them somewhere and like to never got rid of. That’s their most known line “Protection” etc but there’s always payment of some kind expected in exchange. Anytime a group of beings are hassling with a catch of course there’s usually a reason for it. They usually want to get those they hassle into something criminal related. As far as Walt’s character he was an obvious rugged side but had his good points.
Courtesy of- GirlPlayXSoCal
Courtesy of- Blondie666111
Courtesy of- SST1986
He held on too long to his experiences in the Korean war which he later came to terms with. Of course his kid’s weren’t respectful to him. It’s like a saying I used to hear coming up I don’t care if your parent or parents is the meanest SOB or B that ever walked you respect them. People like that in real life they can gauge the real from the fake they’re actually good people underneath all of that, they just call things like it is. They’re honest, truthful. They can teach people especially young people a great deal. They have life experience. In the line of work I’m in they are often are the best supporters.