Upon the usual harassing material and some males that apparently were half raised that would be a- That dumb harassing creep fugly pasty female canine is about your level. Maybe next time you will learn to remain on yours and not veer into the lanes of people like mine. The Black and Brown females in that equation have my sympathy and regards at this point. All I could say to them is stupid unintelligent beings tend to run together don’t waste your life on that crap. Let low intellect Rachel Dolezal troll whatever that is have at it keep in mind they feel sorry for them. They can go be solid, connect, and understand together far away from me. Don’t none of them ever come around me in any form. I will never in my life support any of them in any way nor encourage anyone else to either. I don’t share space with evil and low caliber as beings as aforesaid. They can go be “Bad guys and wannabe bad b__es” together and stay away from me in all respects. They get no respect from me. I’m sure there was a great deal that transpired there for a piteous psycho troll fugly being to have their whatever they have which appears apparent to me. Nasty beings. If they want to see evil maybe they need to take a look at the beings in the mirror. It’s not everyone else decent with the problem it’s them, they have severe problems all round. It is like look at people like myself and look at you problems there is 0 no comparison. None not as people or anything else. That whole clique needs to get far away from me in all forms indefinitely. Point is I don’t want to be gawked at and harassed by some psycho troll female thing and a male I wouldn’t even be in the same room with or their trolls online everyday which really need to be in a locked down facility that has been the problem. The only other thing I’m gonna say to either psycho low IQ problem of 2 if they come at me again is going to be in a confrontation with a real officer of the court present or preferably in court no joke about it. I said leave me alone umpteen million times. They will not be yukking it up when they’re thrown in a federal cell where they need to be. They can go be a play villain in there. All those parties get off my social media, go away, and get some psychological help. I’ve said it many times. I don’t need nor want anything from none of those parties.