Lieutenant Dan Syndrome
I’ve written this previously on Medium and a website I had through Tumblr a few times on the fictional character Lieutenant Dan from the 1994 film Forrest Gump. There are a great deal of gold nuggets in the film that apply to the factuality of life. Lieutenant Dan was a hardened military officer that was a bitter hateful combatant of God, the US, his previous vocation as a soldier that it vexed him be didn’t die on the field with his platoon during an air raid but rather his legs were dismembered hence his ire. This psychological phenomenon is coined survivors remorse somewhat perpetuated by the term every military personnel stands by, leave no man nor woman behind. That is the entailment of the duty and oath of military personnel.
The moral of the story is ridged types like so when they cultivate a mends with God they’re like an entirely other level person. I’ve spoken of previously those types rail against God Almighty to the extent that it does eventually come down to a showdown between them and God in order for God to reveal to them who he is. God has the sole power to speak to the soul of a human not humans themselves.
Joshua 14:11
I believe it was billionaire Robert Kiyosaki I reposted several years prior that spoke on this. Prior to christianity in his life he had everything. He was a billionaire yet he was jaded, hardened, and bitter until he prayed the sinners prayer of letting Jesus into his life. There is nothing that can cover that void in humanity but Jesus. Not money, not material wealth, substances, sex, fame, recognition not anything.