I remember speaking with an old friend some years ago. We were speaking on the issue of when people harass, clock, and stalk others non ceasingly or at all. It’s like we spoke on you figure people have things to do in real life such as pay bills, pay mortgages, rent, have actual jobs in order to live, actual careers, do laundry, go to the grocery store, etc etc the list of just living is endless so you figure those who do that kind of crap what must they not do or have in their life? What kind of existence do harassers not have? As any BS’ers in general. The time and energy it takes to hassle and go to lengths to make things up those that do could have put that into becoming something in life. The time they have on their hands to hassle and harassing honestly speaks volumes of just what a pseudo existence harassers have. My pre COVID and even COVID era days my average day can be I don’t have a minute hardly let alone to notice what anyone else was/is doing let alone caring at all so you have to wonder what are people not doing in their lives nor have to sit on social media or any tech harassing let alone textbook stalking the hell out of people in one form or another? 🤷🏽♀️ It takes time to be able to live in life. Beings that harass others don’t have that obviously otherwise they wouldn’t even be noticing what others are saying, doing, going or anything else.