Like I Said…
I would probably shoot them. lol Return to why I could not be in that… and trust I’ve had many offers. Nope I’d probably bust a cap in a groupies or some female’s a$$ if I were in that atmosphere at all. I’m too morally driven. Then I’d whoop the male’s child’s a$$ that was messing with me... probably would pistol whip them to be honest before heading out the door. lol
Courtesy of- VH1 Rock Docs
Courtesy of- Dino Manzella
The groupie that said she’d been been doing it at that time for 17 years… that’s ancient as hell for a groupie or “Industry th_t” as they’re called now, as they’re generally very young. In those days they were usually teens and early 20’s now they can vary from late teens (hopefully they aren’t under aged) through 30’s, don’t see too many in their 40’s but they probably exist somewhere. Now Industry th_ts are all about getting clout, famous, exposing, bringing people down, and acting like a bunch of morons basically. They fight over and practically kill each other over these aholes they aren’t going to matter to in 5 minutes and it’s real sad. It’s a different atmosphere now than those days as aforesaid. It’s not the silly or tongue-and-cheek so to speak.
“If these girls really knew what these guys thought about them behind their back they wouldn’t want to be with them so badly.” Sunday (Former wife of a Rock star)
OR as one rocker said
“If I had a daughter I wouldn’t even want them to be at a rock concert. It’s not a place for girls.” IE he was acknowledging he knows what they’re thinking about any Girl or Woman in that atmosphere. Both those statements are pretty poignant aside from the recounts of how young Women recounted in that day the coined term of “Taken advantage of” in place of “Sexual Assault” or “rape” because that does occur a great deal now more than ever. It’s not Rockers that rule the music landscape now it’s Hip Hopper’s and they often have a whole other way of conducting themselves, treating people, and behaving more times than not.
Courtesy of- Anthony Spade
Courtesy of- Jaye De Black