Little Mermaid
Speaking of The Little Mermaid which is immensely different than the good old watered down Disney version
Like most origins of fairy tales there were few happy endings to reflect this here was one retelling that essentially ripped the hearts out of kids that saw the sugarcoated Disney version because well life is hard 😄🤷🏽♀️
In this one she turns into bubbles that kind of just float into the sky to heaven. There’s been several variations but in the original there wasn’t a happy go off into the sunset because well that was fairytales back in the day. The moral of the story Hans Christian Anderson sought to get across as he was a profound poet was
A. Human life is often trying.
B. Don’t strike deals based on emotion and thus poor choice thus not being able to get back what will be taken away. This point was even well made when in the original even the Sea Witch tried to talk Ariel (aka coined as The Littlest Mermaid in this instance) out of it.
C. The grass seems greener on the other side..especially when you only know of it on the surface.
D. Don’t make deals with darkness because darkness does not facilitate equal agreements.
As for the origins here it is in a nutshell…
… you’re welcome. You can thank me for ruining your childhood. 😄