Looks Like
Looks like the usual Jezebels are going nuts at each other over some needs to grow up male and somehow I’m still getting harassing porn and the like… what the hell any of that ever had to do with meu I’ve 0 clue. I’ve said this many a time but maybe these grown female children will beat the hell out of each other and leave people like me out of their ignorance. If those types had a single functioning brain together it would be a shock to society honestly because I’m pretty sure they’re severely brain damaged. It’s pretty obvious they are. Bringing us to the obvious fact, Father’s remain in your daughters lives and be a decent Father and Man in the first place. If you can’t do that have someone raise your kids not to be a stupid idiota with the brain capacity of a peon because it is pretty obvious types like that didn’t have a decent Father in their lives. Foolish nuts, but hey don’t ever bother me with that I’m above that obviously. I don’t deal with BS from Jezebels I’ll just have their a$$ thrown in prison and they are aware of that as I’ve dealt with those types many times hence my info was passed off to online. Needless to say they didn’t have nothing when I and God got done with them..and that was before I had any titles in real life. That’s why one psycho I had to laugh at their conclusion when they likened me to some fictional “Influencer” character among a slew of low brow-ness a good hundreds of pages they were actually describing themselves and their trolls because in real life my titles, professionalism, and self far surpasses anything like that but that’s that low grade ignorance in those who live in a narrow fake actuality that even gangsters or even wannabe gangsters generally understand thus are aware we are off limits. Let’s put it this way street people real street people respect us and don’t bother us for a reason, we generally don’t clash we don’t have a reason to.
But that’s that ignorant mentality that isn’t bright whatsoever ... needless to say why everything about them is on a FBI file now as well as anyone tied to them I had problems from and will be for the rest of their existence most likely. They did it, they need to pay for it the end case closed.
A lot of people don’t figure that some people are online to either express themselves, show their creative side, or other professional pursuits that isn’t their life or even half of their life or who they are but see that is what happens when people take the internet into account as being more paramount in life than is. I don’t put out nothing personal, it’s more freedom of expression, a hobby, make some extra money, was a networking tool but not so much anymore because too many took it the wrong way, drew too many issues especially from being exploited/harassed/doxed/then stalked further mainly by the same problem, than anything. It’s nothing more to me than that never will be.
Point being I’ve been grown since I was a kid and don’t play in that dead nothing crap.