Loserdom Facts
Underachievers = The worst trolls in all respects and harassers. They’re not really worth anyone’s energy or anything else despite how much they seek it out. They have nothing to offer those they harass that is why they hassle others as much as they do. They have mental, spiritual, emotional, and everything else problems. They usually destroy themselves because they can’t function in life and blame everyone else for their failures not to mention lack instead of blaming themselves for their choices. 🤷🏽♀️ Like I said I’m not going to take anything personal from any loser at life or just horrible beings when just one of my resumes is about 9 pages long of work based on merit. Underachievers project their own lack as individuals and everything else on everyone else instead of dealing with themselves they spew trash and venom on everyone who are basically better then them in some way or any way. I don’t deal with crabs in a bucket syndrome. I’m better than, worth more, and don’t have the time for it never have. There’s a saying that goes “Those trying to tear you down are already beneath you” because real ones just go do their work they have something substantial to offer not all the theatrics with no substance or anything of value behind it. Those type of beings basically need a real purpose. I’ve said to such small mindedness when they pull out some BS throwing trash “Do you even know who I am or anything about me at all or do you just view the world from a minute small perception 1 track mind? Nothing you are saying at and about me or anyone else makes any logical sense at all it just sounds like something you pulled out of your a$$ and talking about yourself actually.” Hence harassment stemmed from a place of projection. Basically underachievers are losers and they’re aware of that really but instead of bettering themselves they throw trash at and on others who generally are trying to just get by in life. That’s the truth of it. As I’ve aforesaid go throw trash on somebody else I’m not it I’m the wrong one entirely. 🤷🏽♀️