Losers of the internet
Losers on the internet be like ::In goofy estupido dorky voice jumping up and down clapping like a 5 year old:: “I won I won! I ran a whole group of people off the internet. It’s all mine. I won the internet!” As those types sit in their piteous imp existences having and doing nothing worth mentioning in life. Let loser troll types have at it in their little metaphoric sandbox. Let them yammer about mindlessness no one cares about. It reminds me of some pre-school kid bullying kids at the sand box then strutting off prideful like they’ve accomplished some feat when really they just look like an estupido jack a$$ that everyone in real life cringes at every time they yammer or do something well estupido. 🤷🏽♀️
As I said days ago that is exactly why I put everything on private and still having to block and remove accounts of such dorky losers who look like one flew over the cookoos nest. There’s a reason sometimes beings are seemingly ostracized in real life nobody likes them because of that kind of narcopathic behavior towards people. Losers at life what can be said? That’s the internet in a nutshell. 🤷🏽♀️