Lost Girls
“These Clubs you speak of… are they very dark?”
Courtesy of- MTV News Staff
“How about getting in touch with the 30 something year old without (teenage mentality?) Daria
This episode titled ,Lost Girls, was a hilarious commentary on individuals who basically don’t want to grow up, a Peter Pan complex, and basically have a very shallow ego-maniacal narcissistic adolescent mentality. It was an issue in the 1990’s in 2020’s I’d say it’s probably even more prevalent in older individuals. Matter of fact it’s been said of the older Millennial generation and Generation X’ers to be referred to as “The Peter Pan Generation.” Trust it’s definitely that demographic all the way up to Boomers. It’s the Gen Z’ers and younger Millennials who seems to be more mature generally. The point was you have to grow up and mature at some point otherwise you’ll be a minor in your head the rest of your life which is a cringing place to be mentally.
Courtesy of- MTV News Staff
“What am I doing here?”
“How am I going to get through this?”
“Dear God help me.” Daria
Formally said numerous times ,Daria, is my spirit animal. LoL