Loyalty Test
This is a cautionary tale and well done.
Courtesy of- UDY
Word to the wise be very selective who you involve yourself with because there’s too many that don’t have a sense of loyalty. They’re rank opportunists. Also, one of the dumbest things that could be done to a Brown or Black Man is cheat on them or with them. I’ve seen it happen to friends etc… it wasn’t a pretty sight. As an old friend of mine used to say people kill for that and who could blame them? 🤷🏽♀️
Courtesy of- KingborgTv
Courtesy of- TaynoLove
As one Gentleman said in the comments you don’t play with peoples emotions. Not only is it amoral but one day they’ll do it to the wrong person and they might not end up well. They’ll flirt and play with that line too much end up done in the facedown sense or beat up. 🤷🏽♀️ Forget if it’s flipped vise the versa Girlfriends, Wives, etc no good way that could end. There’s never any positive ending to any of that. You don’t play in others lives, emotions, and or relationships. It’s not your life to play in. I wrote a whole post one time about why not to take up with a married man, significant other etc. Morality aspect aside their significant other will come after you most likely and or the one you committed adultery with won’t leave you be, there’s just too many ways to get caught up, injured, or even killed. Nothing but destruction there. Rule of thumb if they’re married, in a relationship, entertaining, even interested in someone or innumerable stay out of it entirely. Do not put yourself in it. Too much drama, heartache, and destructive. That’s why all these online hook ups and forging into any kind of relationships strike me as off the wall because you don’t know that person, who they have at home, or who all they have. You just know them from Social Media, some website, or app. What is in their life and what is on social media is often 2 totally separate realms of reality or rather unreality when it comes to the internet. It wouldn’t surprise me if problems I’ve been receiving had to do with a thwarted female who went nuts over some ahole who played them OR rejected them. Not at all because dysfunction breeds dysfunction live in that long enough that’s how those who do perceive the world.