Malcolm X
He was radical but one can’t say he wasn’t poignant. There still are even in the Black Lives Matter movement or so they say that hate themselves, still holding onto the slave mentality. Thus more apt to take up for seedy white individuals without question than our own. As I said earlier when you do so you can’t really call yourself a BLM supporter not really. Not when you still have that house slave mentality. That is part of the issue and the problem that we don’t even support each other that white is still right even if it’s not. That’s been the problem and what white oppressors want to cause division between the people they’re trying to control and oppress just like their slave owning ancestors did. They created the division between the slaves typically based on colorism, status, and so on. Now what’s happening is we’re seeing the cognitive dissonance of white pseudo allies who really aren’t allies at all they’re exploiters who exploit black and brown people for their advantage. It’s part of clout chasing these days, want relevance? Use the presence of people of color as if to say “Look I’m down with all of you Blacks, Browns and Yellows” when God knows they’re anything but and no different than their ancestors were. Tokenization is the worst form of prejudice, it’s almost worse than outright prejudice. They remind me of imps that always have a scheme or some deviant plan to cause divide because what you can divide you can conquer. Brown, Black, and Golden people need to realize now more than ever when who we are is being used to make a point and stay woke about it. There’s still too numerous who do not gauge nor realize when they’re just being used and exploited just in a different form than our ancestors were. How can we expect anyone else to respect and see us as equal when we allow ill meaning whites or otherwise to create division let alone disrespect anyone of the community? How can we expect that when we don’t even show respect and demand proper treatment of each other let alone treatment from others. I’m appalled at how far the mentality still hasn’t come at times.