Voicing Freedom
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

Malcolm X

Malcolm X had many a point whether his entire philosophy could be agreed with or not.

Courtesy of- My Name Is My Name

Poignant. Leaders are in leadership positions IE Political leaders, Religious Leaders, Human Rights Leaders, Student Leaders, etc. Entertainers in and of themselves are not leaders simply because they’re an entertainer, celebrity or anything else they entertain nothing more. Same with anyone else in any position that has nothing to do with leadership. That term has been thrown around loosely people don’t know what it is or means. A Leader is a leader an entertainer is an entertainer, an artist an artist, etc. Everyone doesn’t have leadership qualities in order to lead people.

Courtesy of- Africa First

He was correct the gall to even ask that question at that time or even in today’s World is eyebrow raising because of the perpetual history and the present. There was a story of a White College Student asking Malcolm X what she could do to help further his cause? His short response was “Nothing.” He believed Black and Brown people ought to support and further our own peoples without the hand of the white man involved (meaning anyone of the white race.) Like many people of color he had a disliking for what were called Uncle Tom’s and spoke out against them. For those that do not know what that old term means it’s basically a person of color that’s a sell out to Eurocentric ideologies and individuals.

Courtesy of- Let’s Teach

Unlike what many believe the real life Uncle Tom was actually a courageous admirable figure.

This brings about the issue of the difference between Black Nationalism and White Nationalism. Black Nationalists want their own region their own space if you will separate from White people etc. they don’t want to deal with White people and they will recant to anyone as much. White Nationalism it is the ideology of Hitler essentially. White Nationalists want to conquer and or commit genocide upon everyone that isn’t white. If they had it their way they would govern the world with no people of color in it. That is the difference between the 2 ideologies. Movements such as AIM slightly differed in it was more along the lines of they were aware they couldn’t live in peace with whites. The Chicano etc movement of the Brown Berets also wanted to be with our own in our own communities to some degree and around our own people but of course that is complex as Latina is a mixed bag in and of itself with its own issues between groups, complexions, lingual differences, etc.

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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