Mean Girl, Mean Boy Mentalities
Below is a post I’ve posted a few times over the years. This specific one was from around 2 years ago now after going through a couple of different instances of grown beings that most certainly should have known better. There are a great deal of them out there that honestly need to grow up. Like I said last night don’t like me, what I have to say, or do don’t read my things it’s not your business because chances are I don’t care about those who do at all nor interested in anything having to do with that. It has never been interesting to me never will be, I don’t want to be textbook harassed and bothered like that. I’ve said it many times nearly daily for a decade. I posted last night if you aren’t in a position to offer anything career related in any field I have anything to do with then I don’t want to hear, read, or be bothered by anything that honestly is a waste of my time, energy, and or funds ultimately. ::Shrugs::
Credit- OWN Network
Same dynamic applies for mean boys too. They can be just as petty and nasty as mean girls or rather mean grown females in many cases. Real Women empower same with Men for that matter not tear down others or compete. A lot of it is based on fear, insecurity, and intimidation of others they deem to tear down for no valid reason other than they see someone doing their thing in life and living their life… or trying to therefore that makes them feel small often based on jealousy therefore they want to bring it down. This could be done by way of defamation, harassment in order to mess up the target’s focus, setting their targets up by scheming some jacked up vengeful scenarios, spreading lies, gossip, verbal abuse, mental abuse, gas lighting, or even stalking to some degree or another which by the way is legal ramification territory. Not even the most condescending narcopathic abuser of any variety wants to be slapped with a defamation or harassment lawsuit for being ignorant as harassment is illegal. Anything to upset or cause chaos in someone else’s life for the purpose to try ruining it. Some call this the crabs in a bucket complex hence why many times you’ll find those types never really gain anything in life in the long run because they’re too busy messing with other people instead of fixing their own existence.
Credit- Pintrest
Credit- Word Porn