Mental Illness
A prime example of why mental illness needs to be dealt with because the mentally ill can either harm themselves or others such as the tragic case of ,Edward Gingerich.
Credit- Robin Gavagin
The most tragic part of this story is this all could have been avoided had his obvious mental illness been dealt with by proper healthcare professionals and proper medication. Anytime anyone has that expression in their eyes they’re not normal at all. If someone’s eyes and behavior aren’t right they’re not obviously wrapped and need to seek real medical assistance not rely on this or that which is basically a band aid. They can’t be enabled. In his case he was paranoid schizophrenic left entirely untreated and it’s a terrible thing he was left in that mental state, it took him having a psychotic break, and committing a ghastly murder before he received the help he needed. In the profession I’ve been in for years we see this frequently where the health care system falls short and or people don’t encourage the mentally disturbed to seek help.